Z'Electrical GazetteMarch 2010Volume 14 |
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March 2010 Volume 14     http://www.zotzelectrical.com/   Zotz Electrical    612-501-2012, 320-983-2500
Product Spotlight
The PureSpectrum 20-Watt (75-Watt incandescent equivalent) dimmable Compact Fluorescent Lamp is an Energy Star approved, fully dimmable spiral bulb that is compatible with most brand name dimmers. Combines energy savings and longevity with superior dimming performance. Works in any dimming application where an incandescent bulb would be used. Provides instant illumination and brightness without flickering and features low level instant ignition and illumination. Dims equally well as a stand-alone bulb or in a series and provides more than 1,200 lumens.
The PureSpectrum 20 watt CFL uses 75% less electricity than incandescent bulbs, instant illumination and brightness, dims in linear regression from 100% to 20% of perceived light output, reduced energy usage during dimming, rated for 6,000 hours and a High Power Factor, >.09. As of now, PureSpectrum only offers the 20 watt CFL but they are developing different wattages and styles of lamps. The 20 watt is just the first offering in what should be a very diverse inventory. Zotz Electrical has seen a live demonstration of these lamps and can attest for their claims of dimming capability.
Electrical Technical
Artificial lighting is a little bit like air. For most of the world, it’s just there when it’s needed. Lighting a room or a building is as easy and instantaneous as flipping a switch. For the most part, how a light bulbs works and how much it costs to light a bulb are problems to be dealt with by engineers and government agencies. As consumers, people expect the familiar convenience in their homes and offices that has become a part of daily life since Edison’s incandescent was first mass manufactured.
But as the global emphasis on energy conservation peaks with new legislation and the eventual phase out of old technology, the lighting industry is being redefined and new technologies and products will emerge to satisfy consumer demands. Lighting accounts for about 30 percent of energy usage worldwide and improving energy efficiency in lighting is widely considered a top global priority. At the same time that lighting manufacturers begin the paradigm shift away from the energy hungry incandescent bulbs that have been the standard for more than 100 years, the bottom line must be served and consumers must be satisfied.
Beginning with Brazil and Venezuela in 2005, governments began passing legislation which prohibits the production, sale and use of incandescent bulbs in effort to force consumers to adopt more energy efficient lighting products. During the past few years, a growing number of countries in North America, Europe, Oceania and Asia have introduced legislative measures to ban incandescent bulbs, culminating in 2007 with the passage of the Clean Energy Bill which mandated the elimination of most types of incandescent bulbs in the the U.S. by 2014. While these government measures will result in the conservation of energy through the use of much more efficienty lighting products, the global lighting industry is preparing for an unprecedented transition as a massive influx of new and unfamiliar lighting products is introduced into the marketplace.
The above article is from PureSpectrum Technology.
In the transitional period from incandescent lighting to what is to come, the first thing you will notice is the hoarding and "black marketing" of incandescent lamps. This is a natural reaction but the new technology manufacturers are already developing a lamp that the market and the consumers will be truly happy with. The fluorescent CFL has not been received favorable as yet but lighting fixtures are being manufactured with different forms of fluorescent tubing that will be more accepted. Look for the LED technology to take the lead in incandescent replacement and new light fixtures. The LED uses even less energy than the fluorescent and has a much longer life. There is even a LED paint, charged with low voltage for illumination, that is being researched and developed that should be on the market soon.
Current News
Zotz Electrical would like to discuss the benefits of energy efficient T-8 fluorescent lighting with property owners that have T-12 fluorescent fixtures in their buildings. A few benefits of a T-8 retrofit of the existing T-12 fixtures are that your electric bill & usage will be reduced, the power companies provide a rebate to help offset the retrofit cost, payback for the remainder of the cost is usually within two years & some are sooner and maybe the biggest benefit is that the maintenance of your lighting fixtures is greatly reduced.
Don't hesitate to call us and discuss the program that we offer. We will supply you with all the information that you need to understand what the retrofit process is, give you the forms to receive your rebate from the power supplier and work around your schedule when we retrofit your fluorescent light fixtures, for your convenience. It's all very simple and a money saver for you.
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